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(Omaha, NE) -- Planners of the new streetcar project are making way for further construction over the next several weeks. The traffic control plan on Farnam Street is expected to stay until at least next month. Megan Walter, with Metropolitan Utilities District (MUD), says there will be temporary natural gas shut downs for properties as the project continues, and some could last for most of a day.
"Customers along this corridor will see a lot of construction activity, going forward," Walter said, during an update on the project on Thursday, "the only time they may not see work is if the crew is pulled off for an emergency."
When the date is known when the shutdown becomes necessary, Walter says customers along the route will be notified. Walter says a long gas main is the reason for a lengthy closure.
"The expected length of the planned shutdown can vary," Walter said, "customers can expect the first shutdown to last twelve to fourteen hours. This section of gas main is very large, which is why the shutdown will be so long."
The streetcar is planned to run on Farnam and Harney Streets, with the line eventually spanning all the way down to 42nd Street.
More about the totality of the plan HERE.