Photo: Tomas Ragina / iStock / Getty Images
(Valley, NE) -- After a generally warm 2024 in Omaha, colder, below average temperatures will arrive to bring in the new year. They'll stick around for at least two weeks.
Taylor Nicolaisen is a meteorologist with the National Weather Service in Valley.
"January is going to feel like January," Nicolaisen says. "If you got some new mittens, gloves or a new stocking cap for Christmas, I think you'll get an opportunity to use those."
The cold pattern comes on the heels of one of the warmest years on record.
"2024 overall was one of the warmest years on record," Nicolaisen says. "In Omaha, our records go back over 150 years and I think there was five years that was warmer."
But that's a general trend, not an every day thing. While it's expected to continue in the new year, every rule has an exception.
"We still get cold spells and we've got one of those coming up here," Nicolaisen says. "Not just in the next couple of days but maybe even colder than that here in the next couple of weeks."
Precipitation is also in the forecast over this period.