Photo: Monte Goodyk / Moment / Getty Images
(Des Moines, IA) -- Iowa state lawmakers are considering mandates on the content of property tax notice mailers. House File 39 would require local governments to notify homeowners of bond issuances by mail and compare proposed property tax to last year's payment.
Rep. Aime Wichtendahl (D-Hiawatha) is on the bill's subcommittee. She says she agrees with the general idea, but she wants to consolidate the mailings.
"One thing we will not achieve to lower property taxes is piling more unfunded mandates on local government," Wichtendahl says. "If a city or municipality say, for example, needs a new fire station or library the proposed mailing is just another expense related to that."
Rep. Jane Bloomingdale (R-Northwood) laid out what that consolidation may look like in the meeting Tuesday.
"I do like the idea of sending out a proposed tax," Bloomingdale says. "But we can add everything to that statement. We don't need to send mailings, mailings, mailings, mailings. That's a large expense."
The subcommittee is tabling the bill pending amendment.