Legislation to Change School Start Dates Resurfacing in Iowa

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(Des Moines, IA) -- Conversations surrounding the school starting date are resurfacing at the Iowa State Capitol. This year, the Senate version would change so that schools could start beginning on the second-to-last Monday in August.

State Sen. Tom Shipley (R-Nodaway) chaired the subcommittee.

"As a former school board member, this is what I like," Shipley says. "It's our call when we're going to start. Within reason. And I think we've accomplished that with this bill."

Ten years ago, the general assembly passed legislation which set the earliest start date at August 23rd, but that fluctuates year-to-year. Supporters of the 2025 change say it still would avoid school starting during the Iowa State Fair.

State Sen. Sarah Trone Garriott (D-Waukee) is one of them.

"Any time we can fix an issue that the Legislature created by giving flexibility to these local decision makers to make their own decisions that suit their communities, I'm in favor," Trone Garriott says.

The Senate version passed the Education Committee on Tuesday morning.

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