As we stood and sang worship songs today, I catalogued the different styles of worship at church:
1. The one-hand-raised-above-the-head person
2. The two-hands-raised-above-the-head person (achieved when you've "Leveled Up" from one-hand-above-the-head)
3. The clapper (claps to every song)
4. The washing machine agitator (spins slightly left and right)
5. The bouncer (bounces slightly at the knees - this is especially popular among parents holding small children)
6. The receiver (hands turned upward just below shoulder-level; face upturned; eyes closed)
7. The Axl Rose shuffler (dips the left shoulder then dips the right shoulder - especially popular among the worship band)
8. The swayer (sways side to side - this is me and I'd like to apologize to those trying to see the words on the screen)
What did I miss?