I'm not a fan of political correctness. One reason: it is KILLING our sense of humor in this country.
A Texas teacher decided to hand out humorous certificates to her class at the end of the year. A Houston television station reports one student didn't find her "award" so funny.
13-year-old Lizeth Villanueva was handed a certificate that read "most likely to become a terrorist."
Channelview Independent School District official Mark Kramer said it was one of the "fake mock awards" a seventh-grade teacher distributed to students to her class.
Lizeth said it happened Tuesday in her AVID class, which is an advanced learning program to prepare students for college.
She said her teacher gave other students awards with the disclaimer that "it might hurt [students'] feelings." She said the teacher meant it to be "funny."
"It was not a joke," Lizeth said. "I do not feel comfortable with this..."
Considering recent events around the world, HOW did the teacher NOT know this wouldn't be funny? Is it the fact that there are those in this nation that scoff at the genuine fear that recent attacks have generated in this country?
The district sent out the following statement:
"The Channelview ISD Administration would like to apologize for the insensitive and offensive fake mock awards that were given to students in a classroom. Channelview ISD would like to assure all students, parents and community members that these award statements and ideals are not representative of the district's vision, mission and educational goals for our students.
"The teachers involved in this matter have been disciplined according to district policy and the incident is still under investigation."
They did not release the teacher's name.