There's about a month left in the Legislature's session and they still haven't come to an agreement on the budget.
Meanwhile other Bills will start to take a back seat this week now that the second funnel has past.
The Gazette put together a list of what survived or has been approved and what did not.
Here is that list.
l Cut/simplify Iowa’s income tax rates (SF2383/HSB671)
l Approve $32 million increase in state school aid (HF2230)
l Boost equity/transportation funding for K-12 schools (SF455)
l Regulate/ban use of automated traffic cameras/enforcement devices (SF220/SF2148/HF2118)
l Enact Future Ready Iowa skilled workforce initiative (HF2458/SF2327)
l Enact comprehensive mental health plan (HF2456)
l Require school districts to have emergency shooter/disaster safety plans (SF2253)
l Make it illegal for doctor to perform an abortion once a fetal heartbeat is detected (SF2281/HF2163)
l Set local sanctions for failure to enforce immigration laws (SF481)
l Legalize fantasy sports/sports betting (HF613/HSB52)
l Protect critical infrastructure from sabotage (SF2235/HF2394)
l Extend one-cent SAVE sales tax for school infrastructure until 2049 (HF2438)
l Expand state’s five-cent bottle deposit law (HF575)
l Regulate how public universities and colleges handle free speech (SF2344)
l Revamp energy efficiency/Iowa Utilities Board policies (SF2311)
l Amend Constitution to protect victims’ rights (HJR2003/SJR2010)
l Amend Constitution to protect right to bear arms (HJR2009/SJR2009)
l Permit unregulated health benefit plans (HF2364/SF21820
l Limit liability for bars/restaurants under “dram shop” OWI cases (SF2169)
l Cut/adjust state spending to balance this year’s budget (SF2117/HSB648)
l Create special state prosecutor to combat workers’ compensation fraud (SF2305)
l Conduct multipronged attack on Iowa’s opioid addiction (HF2377)
l Revamp elements of the Medicaid managed care program (HF2462/HSB680)
l Create Class B offense for kidnapping person under age 18 (HF2270/SF2230)
l Require stores that sell specialty eggs to also sell conventional eggs (HF2408/SF2242)
l Grant immunity to “good Samaritan” 911 callers for underage drinking emergencies (SF415)
l Direct state to request bids to sell or lease the Iowa Communications Network (SF2219)
l Increase fine to $2,500 for illegally possessing, etc., an eagle (HF2173)
l End “pornography reading rooms” at state prisons (HF2269/SF2136)
l Allow Iowans to legally transport alcoholic beverages across the state line (SF2347)
l Include simulated firearms in the definition of dangerous weapons for robbery (SF3006)
l Support convening an Article V constitutional convention (SJR8)
l Drop permit requirement for stun guns but still classify as a dangerous weapon (SF2321)
l Allow blue/white lights on snow plows (SF2163)
l Allow more reserved campsites at state parks (SF2020)
l Enhances criminal penalties for stolen vehicle used in crime (SF2197)
l Allow pickup truck to be used as school bus in limited circumstances (SF2324)
l Authorize DNR to establish camping/rental fees at state parks (HF619)
l Authorize Natural Resources Commission to Increase fishing /hunting license fees (HF631)
l Revamp property taxes on telephone/telecommunications services (SSB3152)
l Raise inspection fees for food/sanitation services (SSB1169)
l Revamp methods for drawing county representation maps (HF2372)
l Stop most food “shaming” in schools (HF2467)
l Expand online learning options for home-schooled students (SF2131)
l Lower damage award for car-accident victims not wearing seat belts (SF2135)
l Ban use of public funds by state officials for advertising (HF2469/SF2381)
l Expand Iowa’s safe haven law (SF360)
l Alter ballot name order in elections for partisan offices (SSB3191)
l Allow Iowans to transport alcoholic beverages into Iowa (SSB3084)
l Require government employees to register if also acting as foreign agent (SSB3086)
l Issue contract for student assessment tests (HF2235)
l Upgrade the concussion protocol for school athletics/extracurriculars (HF20060
l Eliminate Praxis II teaching test requirement (HF2280)
l Toughen criminal offense for illegal use of scanning/encoding devices (SF2238/HF2199)
l Expand home-school access to online learning (HF2367/SF2131)
l Include sign language within world language definition (HF2390)
l Require insurance companies to cover telehealth services (HF2305)
l Raise weight limit for trucks hauling logs/raw forest products (HF2313)
l Give schools more flexibility with state funding (HF2441)
l Expand penalties for contraband possession to CBC facilities (SF2179/HF2255)
l Expand methods to request consumer security freeze (SF2170)
l Bar sex offender from enrolling in safe at home program (HF2252)
l Expand bidding requirements for lease-purchase construction (HF2253)
l Create Class B offense for kidnapping person under age 18 (HF2270/SF2230))
l Regulate confinement feeding operations for fish (HF2281)
l Raise maximum amusement prize from $100 to $950 (HF2282)
l Enhance anti-texting law for commercial vehicles (SF2162/HF2196)
l Create text-messaging notification/payment system for citations (HF2193)
l Require sexually violent predator to be supervised upon release (HF2914)
l Expand definition/penalty for lascivious acts with minors (SF2176/HF2249)
l Mark trees/posts with purple paint as no-trespassing indicators (SF2002)
l Refer grandparent visitations disputes to mediation (SF2247)
l Allow “ex parte” court order to intercept communications (HF2311)
l Create “heightened scrutiny” in religious freedom cases (SF2154/HF2209)
l Require five-justices Iowa Supreme Court supermajority to hold a state law unconstitutional (SF2153)
l Bar cause of action/damages for wrongful birth/wrongful life claims (HF2165)
l Combat racial profiling by law officers with training, data collection (SF2280)
l Help family caregivers look after loved ones (HF2289/SSB3123)
l Allow firearm possession when transporting someone to/from school (SF2086)
l Bar false/misleading use of caller ID (spoofing) (SF2243)
l Create criminal penalty for intentionally blocking major highway (SF2222)
l Give counties supervisory control on non-court courthouse areas (HF2310)
l Reduce law enforcement rape kit testing process to less than 90 days (HF2312)
l Toughen oversight for public assistance programs (SF2370)
l Create crime for causing vehicular death due to excessive speed (HF2430)
l Create work requirement for public assistance (HSB666/SF2158)
l Make 911 calls confidential (HF571)
l Require Iowa students to pass a civics exam to get a high school diploma (SF2341)
l Modify the daily time K-12 students can spend riding the school bus (SF2137)
l Expand penalties/create two new crimes for mistreating animals (SF2181)
l Reduce penalty for first-offense marijuana possession (SF2180)
l Require financial literacy course for college students (SF2191)
l Set primary runoff election when no one polls 35 percent of vote (SF483)
l Authorize state board to make changes to the medical cannabis program (SF2157
l Create crime for using simulated firearm in robbery (SF414)
l Enhance laws for safe biking on highways (HF513)
l Amend constitution to address electronic search/seizure (HJR1)
l Create police body camera working group (HF2465)
l Create crime for fraud/misrepresentation of a service animal (HF2295)
l Allow RV/motor home sales on Sunday (SSB3139)
l Allow boats with large motors on Lake Macbride at no-wake speed (SF259)
l Contract with private vendor to verify registered motor vehicle are insured (HF604)
l Bar registered sex offender from schools without written permission (HF2276)
l Create crime for flying drone over prison (HF2154)
l Expand medical conditions covered by medical cannabis law (SF2157)
l Change prescription monitoring program provisions (SF2198)
l Bar pyramid promotional schemes as unlawful practice (SF2178)
l Post child abuse hotline number in school buildings (SF2160)
l Amend Constitution to limit age limit for state militia (SJR2004)
l Restore voting/firearms rights to discharged felons (HF2266)
l Amend Constitution to restore voting rights to “infamous crime” convicts (HJR2007)
l Increase state cigarette tax by $1.50 per pack (HF2339)
l Make state employees financially liable for workplace sexual harassment damages (HF2044/SF2107)
l Exempt sale of feminine hygiene products from state sales tax (HF2191)
l Amend Constitution to limit Supreme Court justices to one eight-year term (HJR2001)
l Amend Constitution to have Supreme Court justices stand for retention every four years (HJR2002)
l Establish state employees’ retirement incentive (SF2061)
l Study educational services provided to incarcerated juveniles (HF2262)
l Establish employment and education rides initiative (SF2187)
l Amend Constitution to impose term limits for state-level offices (SJR2005)
l Beef up water quality/livestock feeding regulations (SF2161)
l Report lost/stolen firearm to police within 48 hours (HF2179)
l Create “extreme risk” protection from dangerous/armed person (HF2180)
l Bar firearm sales or transfers without verified background check (HF2181)
l Bar local law agencies from detaining suspected immigration violators (HF2183)
l Limit campaign contributions to political candidates (HF2184)
l Add post-traumatic stress disorder to medical cannabis treatment (HF2202)
l Mandate cultural competency school requirement for ninth-graders (HF2204)
l Remove 2017 voter identification requirements (HF2222)
l Reduce Supreme Court justices’ salaries to $25,000 annually (same as lawmaker) HF2036
l Make size/distance changes to confinement livestock regulations (SF2036)
l Require radon-testing in all school buildings by June 2022 (HF2206)
l Allow fishing at private lake/pond without a license with owner permission (HF2223)
l Reduce number of days when fireworks can be legally used (HF2220)
l Establish firearms policies/penalties at child-care facilities (HF2245)
l Require all presidential candidates to release income tax returns (HF2034)
l Allow hunters to use unleashed dog to retrieve a wounded deer (SF2039)
l Bar state Racing/Gaming commissioners from more than two consecutive terms (SF2041)
l Waive public college tuition/fees for students in high-demand fields (SF2046)
l Require large-scale livestock farmers to report manure spills (SF2049)
l Allow county officials to regulate siting of large-scale livestock facilities (SF2006)
l Reinstate a limited death penalty (SSB3134)
l Create educational savings grants for parents to enroll children in private schools (HSB651)
l Enact “constitutional carry” change to firearm permit system (SF2106)
l Raise legal age to buy tobacco products to 21 (SF2097)
l Establish termination/transition from Medicaid managed care system (SF2058/HF2244)
l Prohibit sales and use of consumer fireworks (HF2186)
l Establish a moratorium of construction of large-scale livestock facilities (SF2008/HF2135/2083)
l Eliminate the Iowa Department of Education/transfer duties to other agencies (SF2017)
l Eliminate the Iowa Department of Public Health/transfer duties (HF2017)
l Allow employee to choose doctor for workers’ compensation claim (SF2185)
l Give schools option to teach Bible and other religions (HF2031)
l Repeal/revamp collective bargaining law for public employees (HF2201/SF2186)
l Legalize harvesting catfish by bow and arrow (HF 414)
l End tenure systems at public universities/community colleges (SF41)
l Publish names of “johns” paying for prostitution (HSB656)
l Establish public option health insurance coverage (HF2002/SF2035)
l Prohibit manufacture/possession/shipment of bum stock multi-burst trigger activator (HF2144/2075)
l Require minors to wear helmets while riding motorbikes/ATVs (SF2111/HF2092)
l Expand absentee balloting to 45 days before an election (HF2221)
l Recognize crinoid as state fossil (SJR2001)