Image: Kyle Kushuv/Twitter
Kyle Kushuv is one of the Parkland, Florida survivors. But unlike a lot of his classmates, Kyle is pro second Amendment and his experience both with our mainstream media and now apparently his school, have been entirely different to those others.
Over the weekend he had his very first visit to a range. He went with his dad. He tweeted about it! And then yesterday, he was pulled from class and questioned by Security Officers and a Sheriff's Deputy.
Two security officers were first up: “First, they began berating my tweet, although neither of them had read it; then they began aggressively asking questions about who I went to the range with, whose gun we used, about my father, etc. They were incredibly condescending and rude,” Kashuv said.
After being joined by a Broward County sheriff’s officer, Kyle says the same questions were asked again.
“I asked why I was there. One said, ‘Don’t get snappy with me, do you not remember what happened here a few months ago?’“ Kyle also said all the officers kept referring to him as the pro SXecond Amendment kid.
So were officers right to pull him from class and question him?