Former US Navy Sailor Kristian Saucier, says he is suing former President Obama and Former FBI Director James Comey after serving a year in Federal prison.
Saucier for taking pictures of classified areas of the submarine he worked on. He was often named during the FBI investigation of Hillary Clinton who appeared to have done far more than he had done, and yet was let off because she had no criminal intent.
His lawyer, Ronald Daigle, told Fox News yesterday that the lawsuit to be filed soon in Manhattan, will name the DOJ, Comey and Obama as defendants. There could be others too.
“They interpreted the law in my case to say it was criminal,” Saucier told Fox News, referring to prosecuting authorities in his case, “but they didn’t prosecute Hillary Clinton. Hillary is still walking free. Two guys on my ship did the same thing and weren’t treated as criminals. We want them to correct the wrong.”
Read the rest of the story at Fox News