President Trump and Kim Jong Evil Nut Job are in Singapore ready to begin their summit. The United States has made a couple of things clear.
1. This is a one time shot. If Kim doesn't take it, this Administration will not give him another chance.
2. There will be no deal without Kim giving up all nuclear weapons in a complete and verifiable way.
Those are the pre-conditions. North Korea apparently wants a Mickey-Ds. Now as funny as that last part is, if Kim can feed his people and improve their standard of living to even a quarter of what it is in the South, he will feel his dictatorship has been secured.
The President needs to understand he is dealing with the latest incarnation of ths family which kills its oponenents at the drop of a hat. They also have a history of inventing some international crisis to go back on its word.
So will this summit be a success?
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