Hollywood actress AND the voice of Anna in Disney's hit animated film "Frozen," Kristen Bell, thinks that Price Charming might not be Mr Wonderful at all... and is in fact a sex offender for kissing Sleeping Beauty without her permission.
REALLY can't make this stuff up!
She told Parents magazine that she asks her daughters, "Don't you think that it's weird that the prince kisses Snow White without her permission? Because you cannot kiss someone if they're sleeping!"
Meanwhile another actress - Keira Knightley - bans her kids from watching Cinderella "Because she waits around for a rich guy to rescue her. Don't. Rescue yourself, obviously," she told Ellen earlier this week. Little Mermaid is also banned.
This is the new left ladies and Gentlemen!
According to Fox News Kazue Muta, an Osaka University professor and author of “Sir, That Love is Sexual Harassment!” a book on workplace sexual harassment, argued in December that princes from “Snow White” and “Sleeping Beauty” portray “quasi-compulsive obscene sexual acts on an unconscious partner.”
If you didn't laugh at that last line then there's something wrong with you!