Two school districts in rural North Central Iowa will roll out mandatory gun safety classes in the Spring according to the AP.
Both the Clarksville and North Butler school districts will carry the course says the Superintendent for both, Joe Foster. Partly this is intended to prepare the students for what to do if an active shooter turns up on campus.
"We've done everything to make (students and district employees) as safe as possible at school with cameras ... locks," he was reported as saying. "We would like them to be able to deal with a situation that comes up."
The kids will use fake guns and ammo, learn how to load and unload, how to safely carry and how to recognize if a gun is loaded or not.
It is a hunter safety course that will last around a week, but Foster knows not everyone hunts. "We know not all kids are going to hunt," he said. "This is an alternative to sitting on your hands and not doing anything. It's being proactive to handle things the best manner as possible if something occurs. Through education, kids know guns aren't toys."
Parents can opt their kids out of the class.
So good idea?
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