Photo: Bicho D'agua Institute
I've been lucky enough to encounter Humpback whales in the waters around Hawaii. They are magnificent creatures!
But now scientists are baffled how a young one - about a year old - has ended up in the Amazon Jungle. It measures 26 feet long by 19 feet wide and was found about 50 feet from the Atlantic Ocean on the island of Marajo, near the mouth of the Amazon River on the north east coast of Brazil.
it was already dead when it washed ashore, while others have different theories.
Just as baffling is why a humpback whale was off the coast of Northern Brazil in February since that is far from it's natural habitat at this time of year. Biologists think the calf might have been migrating with its mother and gotten lost.The scientists were only able to find it when they saw vultures circling above the carcass.
An autopsy is currently underway to find out the whale's cause of death. Results are due in 10 days.