Cedar Rapids Mayor Brad Hart has been a big champion of traffic cameras. As recently as February he's said they are going to be turned back on through the S-curves on I380, but with a key vote coming up, he has now said he will recuse himself.
You see the problem is that his law firm - Bradley and Riley - represents the camera vendor Sensys Gatso USA, Inc.! And although Hart doesn't deal with them directly, his firm could benefit if the cameras are turned back on. Gatso makes more than $1.5Million a year from the Cedar Rapids' cameras!
When I have asked to interview him, the only message I received back is that the Mayor "declines to be interviewed by you". A far cry from the former Mayor Ron Corbett who never ducked a question! The Mayor will recuse himself from the upcoming key vote so there is no appearance of impropriety.
The one big question I would have for Mayor Brad Hart, is should he have stayed silent on this issue before now?
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