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Late last night, the New York Times was forced - and I do mean forced - to update their supposed bombshell on Justice Kavanaugh, to include the teeny tiny detail they left out the first time. The alleged victim of an assault by the Associate Justice, doesn't remember it happening at all. Oh and she refuses to be interviewed!
We can all thank The Federalist's Mollie Hemingway for this. She received an advance copy of the book and discovered this important detail which the Times decided wasn't worth including!
She Tweeted again last night: "BOMBSHELL: New York Times corrects Kavanaugh smear to note alleged victim does not recall any such incident."
During yesterday assorted Democrat Presidential candidates all weighed in. Those included Kamala Harris, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders, Robert Francis O'Rourke, Cory Booker and Julian Castro to name the ones I saw. Other leadings Democrats also jumped on.
As Fox News pointed out: "The Times piece by Robin Pogrebin and Kate Kelly, adapted from their forthcoming book, asserted that a Kavanaugh classmate, nonprofit CEO Max Stier, "saw Mr. Kavanaugh with his pants down at a different drunken dorm party, where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student."
"The Times did not mention Stier's work as a Clinton defense attorney, or Stier's during the Whitewater investigation, and simply called him a "respected thought leader."
Here's something else they failed to point out. If true, what their story describes is that Kavanaugh himself was a victim here too. "...where friends pushed his penis into the hand of a female student."
So why are they out to get him?
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