In a Sunday morning address to the nation, President Trump told us “Last night the US brought the world’s No. 1 terrorist leader to justice. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.”
He said that while running into a dead end tunnel, tis personification of evil was “whimpering and crying and screaming”.
But if you went to the mainstream media afterwards, you would have been shocked.
The Washington Post tried THREE different headlines on an OBITUARY! Yes... an Obituary of the terrorist!!
Meanwhile Bloomberg reported "Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi transformed himself from a little-known teacher of Koranic recitation into the self-proclaimed ruler of an entity that covered swaths of Syria and Iraq," and within the obituary by the Washington Post they wrote: "Mr. Baghdadi maintained a canny pragmatism. Acquaintances would remember him as a shy, nearsighted youth who liked soccer but preferred to spend his free time at the local mosque."
Some of our mainstream media speculated on why Russia was informed about the US Special Forces raid but members of Congress were not. Others say a released photograph of the President, Vice President and some Generals was staged. There were also members of Congress who completely ignored it.
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