Justin Wynn, left, 29, of Naples, Fla. and Gary Demercurio, right, 43, of Seattle, Wash. (Pictures: Dallas County Jail)
They were caught inside the Dallas County Courthouse on the night of September 11th and were quite rightly arrested. But instead of being set free, Justin Wynn, 29, of Naples, FL and Gary Demercurio, 43, of Seattle, WA were charged with burglary and locked up. Now the charges have been reduced to a simple misdemeanor.
The problem is however, that these men were contracted to break-in. They work for the cybersecurity company Coalfire. The Colorado-based company contracted with judiciary officials to conduct security tests at Iowa courthouses and the state court building.
Surely if charges are to be filed, then those same Judiciary officials AND the executives of the company itself, must be charged with conspiracy?
I don't think there's any doubt that once this is over, the men will be suing the State. I equally doubt they would lose so you and I will once again be paying up.
We could speed up this process however.
Is it time to drop all the charges against these two men and to apologize?
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