Photo by New York State Division of Criminal Justice/HANDOUT/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
Dr. Michael Baden, a former New York City medical examiner who observed the autopsy of Pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, is saying his death is more consistent with homicide than with suicide.
In a Fox & Friends Exclusive interview, Dr Baden said that Epstein, 66 at his death, had two fractures on the left and right sides of his larynx, specifically the Adam’s apple, as well as one fracture on the left hyoid bone above the Adam’s apple.
“Those three fractures are extremely unusual in suicidal hangings and could occur much more commonly in homicidal strangulation,” Baden said. “I’ve not seen in 50 years where that occurred in a suicidal hanging case,” he added.
He went on to say that the results are not yet conclusive either way and that the ligature on the sheet which was used, should have the DNA of the person who tied it, all over it.
Epstein was taken off suicide watch a week before his death, his cellmate removed days before and on the night in question, the guards that were supposed to check on him every 30 minutes hadn't done so in three hours. Also, the cameras watching the cell door had both failed. All these things have added to the theory that he was murdered.
The official autopsy says suicide however. What do you think? Was it murder?
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You can watch the Fox and Friends exclusive interview here