Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz
Honest people understand that the Justice Department's Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, delivered a report that is damning of the FBI and indeed the Democrats.
Honest people will recognize that Hillary Clinton and the Democrats bought themselves an investigation of the Republican Party and the Trump Campaign through opposition research and a document which was entirely untrue.
Former Republican chairman of the House Oversight Committee and regular contributor to my show, Jason Chaffetz had this to say: “They [FBI] handpicked this team. Mr. McCabe whose wife, remember, was holding Democratic fundraisers with money that was coming from the Clinton campaign,” he told “Fox & Friends”. “I got to tell you it smells terrible from top to bottom and I do believe, stronger than ever, that you will see people in handcuffs and who will be prosecuted.”
Do you agree? Will people go to jail?
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