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If you wanted to design a way for Iowa to be the target of jokes all across the land, then what the Democrats did here last night would have been regarded as overkill.
There is a wider issue however. The economic benefit of Iowa being First In The Nation runs into tens of millions of Dollars. I fear that is now gone.
Ask yourself this (if you are a Democrat wanting to be President). Would you spend all your money and time in a State that simply can't give you an answer to what the people want at the end of the day?
The Republicans held a flawless Caucus. The President received north of 97% of the vote in the largest turnout for an incumbent ever. The enthusiasm for President Trump seems as strong as ever in Iowa.
They should be. And not just because of the mess they created by having an App that was not tested. It seems the one thing we do know is that their turnout was not what was promised. Close to 2016 we are told. Which means it might be below that.
So what now? As I write this we still don't have results more than 12 hours after Caucusing began.
We are told "later Tuesday" and I don't know what that means. But it no longer matters.
What might matter is this mess could lead to Iowa no longer being first in the nation.
Did we just lose that status?
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