Photo: Getty Images North America
The Iowa State Fair is just 21 days away! For many, the starting clock begins when the new foods are announced and that happened yesterday!
Of the 53 new foods announced, three will be voted on by Fairgoers and a winner will emerge!
This year you have a choice between the following.
• ‘OMG Chicken Sandwich’ from Chicken City which comes on a glazed doughnut and is topped with bacon and syrup
• ‘Pork Picnic in a Cup‘ from the Iowa Pork Tent: layers of BBQ pulled pork, baked beans and coleslaw
• ‘The Finisher’ from The Rib Shack: a baked potato with brisket, pulled pork and Bacon Brisket Mac N Cheese topped with BBQ sour cream and garlic rub butter
Hungry? Well maybe this is the thing that helps you decide if you are going to the Fair or not.
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