Gov. Kim Reynolds is escorted into the Iowa House of Representatives last night, to give the annual Condition of the State address, at the Iowa State Capitol.Photo: Pool Photographer Kelsey Kremer, Des Moines Register
Last night Governor Kim Reynolds delivered her sixth Condition of the State address to a joint session of the Iowa Legislature.
Early on she touted her successes. “Through natural disasters, a pandemic, a nationwide recession and more, Iowa’s status as a beacon for freedom and opportunity has endured. We’ve been recognized as the most fiscally responsible state in the country, we’re ranked in the top ten states to live in America, and we continue to be ranked the #1 state for opportunity,” She said
Her Number One Priority will again be School Choice. Third time lucky? This year her proposal would send $7,598 for each student who wishes to transfer from a public school to a private school, while just over $1,200 per pupil would stay in the public school district where the student lives.
The Governor also proposed a "parental rights" Bill, which frankly should not be required, but it is.
She wants to drastically reduce the size of Government in Iowa, cutting the current 37 cabinet agencies down to 16.
“I have a great team of directors, who are served by thousands of capable, hard-working public servants who care deeply about delivering for Iowans,” the Governor said. “I’d put them up against any state in America. But that talent can’t meet its full potential when it’s hampered by a fractured organizational structure that’s run on autopilot for decades.”
The Governor also wants less rules! Yesterday she signed an executive order banning all new rules and directing state agencies to review existing ones.
“Only those that meet this standard will be reissued. The rest will be repealed. When it’s all said and done, Iowa will have a smaller, clearer, and more growth-friendly regulatory system.”
There was obviously a lot more and I will talk to the Governor today about it. What did you think of her Condition of the State?
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