Photo: Getty Images
Miranda Devine does! "That mythology of Joe Biden that's been around for more than four decades, which is that he's a lovely family man… moderate Democrat, lunch pail Joe, working class Joe, the poorest man in Congress, and a wonderful family man full of empathy because of the tragedies in his own life. That's what he's playing on," she said during an appearance on Fox yesterday.
"I think the end game is that he's setting up… framing this sympathy card so that when it comes time, perhaps in his lame duck period, that he will pardon Hunter and Americans will forgive him because they will say, well, Hunter was a drug addict and Joe just loves his family, and he's been through enough tragedy in his life," she continued. "Leave him alone."
And on Friday during an appearance on MSNBC, the President said his son has done nothing wrong. "I trust him. I have faith in him, and it impacts my presidency by making me feel proud of him," the President said.
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