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There will be a Republican revolt today on the debt ceiling deal Speaker McCarthy reached with President Biden.
"You look at it and you wonder, where are the conservatives?" Senator Rand Paul told Rob Schmitt on Newsmax. "There are no real cuts in spending. Basically, there are cuts in the proposed rate of increased spending, but the budget still explodes."
This is exactly what I told you would happen. They would lower the rate of increase in spending and call it a cut.
What are the details? Well the deal will add about $4 Trillion to the debt over two years, but there is no actual new limit. Tey can spend what they like.
"So, for two years, they can borrow as much as they want … by pushing it out two years, we'll have a new congress by then," Paul said. "I think this is an absolute disaster for conservatives. They shouldn't tolerate it, and they should watch how their representatives vote. And boy, we need new ones. If anybody supports this that you think is a conservative, we need to send them home," Paul continued.
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