The U.S. Department of Agriculture is putting a temporary hold on National School Lunch Program regulations requiring less salt and more whole grains in school lunches. Ag Secretary Sonny Perdue made the announcement at a school in Leesburg, Virginia. He adds that USDA will lift restrictions to allow schools to serve flavored 1-percent milk rather than the non-fat version that’s required now. Perdue was quick to stress they aren’t rolling back any provisions of the Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act passed in 2010. The act required a gradual increase of nutritional standards, such as reduced sodium and an increase in whole-grain products in school food. “We aren’t winding back any nutritional standards at all,” Perdue said in Virgina. “We’re giving food service professionals the flexibility to move as we get to a healthier generation.” He even applauded former first lady Michelle Obama for her efforts to promote healthier food in schools. Perdue says he’s addressing concerns that the rising nutritional standards may be too expensive for schools, as well as students not eating the healthier foods.