Cooking for a good cause

Well practice makes perfect is how the old saying goes, and after a year or so of learning the ins and outs of using his charcoal-fired smoker Andy was asked to cook for a fundraiser this weekend:

The reviews on the pulled pork have been the best so far, so go with what you know: It'll hold four 'Boston Butt' bone-in pork shoulders at a time, and as always the prep work is key:

No pressure Speed Herrig, but it's the first time using a Cookie's rub so they better be good :)

After 10 hours hanging in the smoker at 190 degrees, it's time to wrap them up with pineapple juice and apple cider vinegar:

6 1/2 more hours later they have reached temperature:

Let's see how it turned out:

Ah yes, perfect, the bone slides right out. Should be a lot of happy people after this meal, stay tuned!

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