As declared by Governor Kim Reynolds as she signed the following proclaimation with the folks from the Iowa Beef Industry Council:
Whereas Iowa is a major beef producing state with nearly 4.00 million head of cattle on January 1, 2018; and
Whereas the beef industry contributes greatly to our economy by generating in excess of $6.3 billion annually, and creatingjobsfor 32,317 Iowans; and
Whereas today's beef is a naturally nutrient-rich food providing protein, iron, zinc and B-vitamins with more than 30 beef cuts that meet the government’s definition for “lean”; and
Whereas beef producers are the original environmentalists working to conserve the soil and making optimum use of natural resources; and
Whereas Iowa is a leader in the export of value-added agriculture products, shipping high-quality Iowa beef to other countries around the world; and
Whereas there is an ever-increasing need for better understanding of the benefits that the beef industry provides to all Iowans;
Now therefore, I, Kim Reynolds, Governor of the State of Iowa, do hereby proclaim the month of May 2019 as Beef Month in Iowa, and urge all citizens to appreciate the contributions Iowa’s beef industry continues to provide to our state.