Much needed rain fell across parts of Iowa during the week ending August 18, 2019, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Statewide there were 5.5 days suitable for fieldwork. Fieldwork activities included scouting, spraying fungicides and insecticides and harvesting hay and oats.
Topsoil moisture condition was rated 6 percent very short, 25 percent short, 67 percent adequate and 2 percent surplus. Rain this past week helped improve topsoil moisture conditions except for the southeast district which remained at 64 percent short to very short. Subsoil moisture condition was rated 4 percent very short, 23 percent short, 71 percent adequate and 2 percent surplus.
Nearly all the corn crop has begun to silk at 96 percent statewide. Fifty-nine percent of the crop reached the dough stage, 12 days behind last year and 9 days behind the 5-year average. Seven percent of the crop reached the dented stage, 2 weeks behind last year and 10 days behind average. Corn condition rated 65 percent good to excellent. Ninety-three percent of the soybean crop has started to bloom, 2 weeks behind last year and 10 days behind average. Seventy-one percent of the crop has started setting pods, 17 days behind last year and nearly 2 weeks behind average.
Soybean condition declined slightly from the previous week to 61 percent good to excellent. Oats harvested for grain has almost wrapped up at 97 percent complete statewide.The second cutting of alfalfa hay was nearly complete at 96 percent. The third cutting of alfalfa hay reached 36 percent, 9 days behind average. Hay condition rated 55 percent good to excellent.
Pasture condition declined for the seventh straight week and rated a season low 42 percent good to excellent. Comments mentioned pasture regrowth has been slow and supplemental hay feeding has been used due to drier than normal pasture conditions. Some livestock have struggled with continued temperature fluctuations.