Another week of heavy rainfall across Iowa allowed just 3.3 days suitable for fieldwork statewide during the week ending September 22, 2019, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Fieldwork activities included harvesting hay and seed corn, chopping silage, and seeding cover crops.
Topsoil moisture condition was rated 1 percent very short, 7 percent short, 75 percent adequate and 17 percent surplus. Precipitation this past week helped increase topsoil moisture levels in all districts; however, the Southeast District remains the driest with a topsoil moisture rating of 36 percent short to very short. Subsoil moisture condition was rated 2 percent very short, 9 percent short, 79 percent adequate and 10 percent surplus.
Nearly all of the corn crop was in or beyond the dough stage at 97 percent complete statewide, over 2 weeks behind the 5-year average. Eighty-two percent of the crop has reached the dented stage or beyond, 17 days behind last year and 12 days behind average. Eighteen percent of corn reached maturity, 19 days behind last year and 2 weeks behind average. There were a few reports of farmers in the central Iowa district that harvested corn for grain this past week.
Corn condition rated 65 percent good to excellent. Sixty-five percent of the soybean crop has begun coloring or beyond, 11 days behind last year and 8 days behind average. Twenty-two percent of the crop has begun dropping leaves, 12 days behind last year and 9 days behind average.