Reaction continues to be very positive and supportive after President Trump's announcement of a plan to uphold the RFS going forward. It'll be reallocation starting in 2020 based upon a 3-year average of all exempted gallons, along with a continued pursuit by EPA to make E-15 sales easier AND work by USDA to offer infrastructure help in selling E-15. Iowa's Agriculture Secretary, Mike Naig, sees it this way:
“This is welcome news for Iowa’s farmers and the renewable fuels industry. President Trump listened to our producers’ concerns and took action to address them. This is what happens when farmers, biofuels producers and government leaders work together to make our voices heard. We are grateful to President Trump for directing EPA to uphold the intent of the Renewable Fuel Standard, and we look forward to working with EPA and USDA to implement today’s announcement. As the number one producer of ethanol and biodiesel in the country, Iowa is proud to lead the nation in reducing our dependence on foreign oil. We will continue to work to restore and build demand for these critical markets for Iowa agriculture.”
Iowa Corn Growers Association President Jim Greif adds:
Iowa corn farmers received positive news today for momentum in the right direction to uphold the integrity of the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS). The Iowa Corn Growers Association (ICGA) thanks President Trump for his commitment to address the demand destruction of corn ethanol brought on by expanded use of small refinery exemptions and prospectively account for those exemptions using a three-year rolling average of actual waived gallons, beginning with the 2020 biofuel standard. This gives hope to Iowa’s rural economy, especially at a time when corn farmers need it most.
We also want to thank Iowa’s elected leaders and Iowa Corn Growers Association members who overwhelmingly responded to communicate with the President the top priority of ICGA -- to retain the RFS and reduce regulatory barriers for higher blends of ethanol. We are grateful for the dedication of our biofuels champions, Senators Ernst and Grassley along with Governor Reynolds, who fought for Iowa’s corn farmers, ethanol plants and rural communities.
We appreciate the Trump Administration is taking steps to make it right to help Iowa corn farmers. ICGA will continue to work with our elected champions and the Administration to ensure the commitments made today are implemented and demand for Iowa corn is restored.
Iowa farmer Kevin Ross is President of the National Corn Growers Association:
“We’re very grateful the President listened to our concerns and is upholding his commitments to put the RFS back on track. Corn farmers weren’t shy in telling the President that the impact of these waivers would lead to significant consequences for farmers, folks working at ethanol and biodiesel plants, and the countless other rural jobs that depend on this market. The President is finally telling the EPA that enough is enough, they must follow the law, and we appreciate that. NCGA is thankful to our elected Senators, Representatives, Governors and other state lawmakers who consistently pressed the Administration to find a real solution to the harm caused by refinery waivers. A special thanks to USDA Secretary Perdue who continues to be an outspoken advocate on this issue and for farmers. We stand ready to work with them to ensure these commitments are finalized.”
The nation’s largest ethanol association is Growth Energy, and their CEO Emily Skor had this to say:
“It’s been a long process, but when the chips were down, President Trump delivered for farm families and biofuel producers. This is a victory for rural America, and we are grateful to our champions in Congress, USDA Secretary Perdue, and governors across the heartland who fought to put homegrown energy back on the market. We also thank President Trump for hearing the voices of farmers and biofuel producers and his commitment to finding a solution that will make an immediate difference for rural families.
"By accurately accounting for lost gallons from this point forward based on a 3-year average of all exempted gallons, beginning with the 2020 biofuel targets, and breaking down regulatory and infrastructure barriers to higher biofuel blends, we will be able to realize the true potential of the opportunities President Trump opened by approving year-round sales of E15. Our industry and farm suppliers are eager to put this plan in place and deliver more lower-cost, lower-carbon biofuels to American consumers. We look forward to finalizing this rule to help America's farmers.
"To restore growth and revitalize farm income, it’s vital that the EPA stay true to the president’s promise, and we will be working closely with leaders in Washington to ensure that happens. What matters now is how quickly we can restore demand for U.S. farmers and put biofuel gallons back to work for America’s economy.”
Jeff Broin, CEO of POET Biofuels, the world's largest biofuels producer, is pleased:
“President Trump’s announcement today has reaffirmed his commitment to farmers and rural communities and marks a great victory in the Renewable Revolution. The President’s actions will restore integrity to the RFS — starting with the 2020 RVO levels — and help pave the way for the rollout of E15, creating a huge win for farmers, biofuel producers, and consumers alike. Millions of Americans will see greater savings at the pump and have the freedom to choose climate-friendly, American-made E15, while our nation’s farmers will see increased demand for their grain at a critical time.
On behalf of all POET team members, we sincerely thank President Trump. We’re grateful for his leadership and the relentless support from our champions, Senators Ernst, Grassley, Thune, Rounds, Fischer, Sasse and Governors Reynolds, Ricketts and Noem”
USDA Secretary Sonny Perdue will provide us the first details on The Big Show at 11, listen world-wide by clicking here.