Broadband map fix will reveal gaps in service

The House of Representatives passed legislation that will improve the accuracy of broadband coverage maps to better identify needs. The Broadband Deployment Accuracy and Technological Availability Act requires broadband providers to report more specific data to create a significantly more accurate and granular National Broadband Map. With more precise data, federal agencies can target funding to areas that need it most.

American Farm Bureau Federation President Zippy Duvall says, “it’s critical” to do so, adding “broadband is a necessity.”

Current broadband coverage maps are inadequate, according to AFBF, because they rely on census block data to determine which areas are covered. Census blocks "are too large in rural and remote locations to accurately determine need." 

In addition to creating more accurate maps, the bill requires the FCC to establish an audit process that ensures internet service providers are providing accurate data used to create the maps. It also would create a user-friendly process to challenge the data.

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