The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is misrepresenting a gene-edited livestock research project and the National Pork Producers Council says that’s a stalling tactic. The pork producers say the stalling is designed to rationalize a regulatory grasp on an emerging technology that must be regulated by the USDA if the United States is to maintain its global leadership spot in agriculture.
“While countries like China, Canada, Brazil, and Argentina, are moving quickly on this advancement to gain competitive advantage, the United States is falling far behind because of the FDA’s precautionary regulatory approach,” says David Herring, NPPC President. “Under FDA regulation, gene editing faces an impractical, lengthy, and expensive approval process. If we don’t move oversight to the USDA, we’re ceding a technology that promises significant benefits to animals, including immunity to disease and a reduction in antibiotic use.”
They also say the process jeopardizes thousands of American jobs. To date, NPPC says the FDA hasn’t responded in a meaningful way to the comments they received concerning the ramifications of their proposed regulatory process.