While much of the attention on the deal between the U.S. and China centers around concerns on China meeting its purchasing requirements under the agreement, there are some deadlines it has to meet. There are some deadlines for the U.S. to meet as well.
Politico reports that, within the next seven working days, the USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service and China’s Customs Agency are required to sign a protocol to allow for the importation of U.S. potatoes. China is also required by February 24 to formally recognize the U.S. dairy safety system is as safe as its own, as well as allow imports of American pork that’s been inspected by the USDA Food Safety and Inspection Service. China is also required by March 14 to lift its ban on U.S. pet foods containing ruminant ingredients and to eliminate cattle age requirements for imports of U.S. beef and beef products.
The two sides are also required by that same date to begin technical discussions intended to pave the way for China to import U.S breeding cattle.