Some April 21st snapshots in time as #plant2020 hits full speed

While there seemingly isn't anything that's "normal" during these Covid-19 times, #plant2020 may be the exclusive exemption as the planters are in the field. What a touching start as Vince sent us this on the Pioneer Seeds Text Line at 515.999.5491 with the message, "I want to thank the workers at the Waterloo Tyson plant (pictured in background) for processing the delicious pork while I was planting."

Scott says he's kickin' up dust near Osawa in Hardin County:

In Marshall County, they are three days into #plant20202

Here's some much needed red iron from Cindy Waters in Buchannan County:

Over in Lafayette County, WI it's day 4 of planting:

They've got 255 acres in already North of Atlantic with the big Kinze machine:

And finally, activities are just getting underway near Iowa Falls:

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