A near-record corn planting week

Although most of Iowa received spotty rains, there were 5.3 days suitable for field work during the week ending April 26, 2020, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. In contrast, it was mid-June before Iowa farmers had a week with 5.3 days suitable for fieldwork in 2019.

Topsoil moisture levels rated 1 percent very short, 5 percent short, 85 percent adequate and 9 percent surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 0 percent very short, 2 percent short, 87 percent adequate and 11 percent surplus. Iowa farmers planted over one-third of the expected corn crop during the week ending April 26, for a total of 39 percent planted.

Soybean planting got underway with 9 percent of the expected crop planted, 10 days ahead of last year and 1 week ahead of the average. Only 20 percent of Iowa’s expected oat crop remains to be planted, with just 22 percent of the oat crop emerged.

Pasture condition rated 1 percent very poor, 7 percent poor, 28 percent fair, 54 percent good and 10 percent excellent. Cattle have been moved onto pastures in some areas. Warmer and drier conditions improved livestock conditions.

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