World Dairy Expo has been cancelled

The World Dairy Expo will not take place in 2020, the first time it’s been canceled in 53 years. The World Dairy Expo Committee made a difficult decision based on public health orders and restrictions related to COVID-19 that are in place and issued by Public Health in Madison and Dane County, Wisconsin.

World Dairy Expo was to take place in Madison from September 29 through October third. Last year, the event hosted more than 62,000 people from almost 100 countries.

“Our collective hearts are heavy as we share with you that the World Dairy Expo 2020 has been canceled,” says WDE General Manager Scott Bentley. “We know how much this hurts because we feel it too. Please know that other options were explored and considered by the World Dairy Expo Executive Committee and staff.”

Public health officials in Dane County, Wisconsin, anticipate that access to the Expo would be limited to 250 people at outdoor events come late September and early October.

“We recognize our responsibility to maintain the health of our community and the safety of all of you as exhibitors, attendees, as well as volunteers,” Bentley adds.

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