Producers who haven’t completed their crop acreage reports after spring planting should make an appointment with their local Farm Service Agency office before the applicable deadline. July 15th is the major deadline for most crops, but acreage reporting deadlines vary by county and by crop.
“The first step to becoming eligible for many USDA programs is to file an accurate crop acreage report,” says FSA Administrator Richard Fordyce. “To file your acreage report, call your local FSA office to make an appointment.”
Due to COVID-19, FSA put reporting flexibilities in place, the agency can work with producers to file timely acreage reports by phone, email, and online tools, as well as virtual meetings. You must call ahead to those offices that are open for in-person appointments.
After all of the completed maps and acreage reporting information is received, FSA will make software updates and send producers the completed Report of Acreage form to sign. Producers must return the signed form certifying their acreage report to the FSA as soon as possible.