The Polk County Fair Continues!

Valerie Beukema

Beukema grins from ear to ear with her winning purple-ribbon lamb.

Static Project Judge Ellen Sattler
Emma Lihs

Lihs exhibiting her spring calf.

Garrett VonStein

Von Stein exhibiting his dairy goat.

Leah Casey

Leah Casey's blue-ribbon visual arts exhibit.

Dawson Minor

Dawson Minor exhibiting his Champion Market Heifer.

Madison Krafel

Krafel exhibits her horse.

2020 Fair Royalty

From left to right: Lauren Jahske, Madison Krafel, Megan Ford, Gabby Neddermeyer, Queen Emma Hay, King Chase Woods, Brayden Weldon, Sebastian Janelle, Cody Hay, and Brome Churchill.

Hayden McConnell

McConnell exhibits his spring calf.

McNeer Brothers

McNeer brothers, Kole and Kort, exhibit their breeding does.

Youth Exhibit Ram Entries in Sheep Show
Preston Von Stein

Preston Von Stein's blue-ribbon tic-tak-toe game.

Wing Sisters

Wing sisters, Abby and Tiffany, exhibit their dairy goats.

Emma and Gavin Lihs

Emma and Gavin Lihs smile after winning trophies for their poultry projects.

Olivia Twohey

Beaver Hustler 4-H Club member, Olivia Twohey, exhibits a home improvement project.

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