What a wonderful first day of Big Show Tractorcade

It was off to St. Peter and Paul's Church for the morning pit, a beautiful ride where this sign greeted riders:

Led by good Big Show buddies USDA's Bill Northey and Iowa Ag Secretary Mike Naig, everything was on time, on route and on schedule:

Mike was riding Scott Sloan's Titan/Good Year M Farmall and Bill was on Andy's Dad's Super M Farmall:

The Linn County Fairgrounds served as a perfect lunch stop and look at this picture...it's like something out of a magazine, no filter needed!:

It's always good to catch up with Bill, who is working hard on our behalf in washington:

From there it was off to Weber Stone in Stone City for the afternoon pit, including a trip down a private road to provide a very unique, scenic and relaxing view and you can see exclusive video on the Big Show social media sites here.

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