The Department of Agriculture will collect additional harvested acreage information for corn and soybeans in Iowa in preparation for the September 11 Crop Production report. USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service says corn and soybeans in Iowa have been impacted by the recent derecho storm.
According to Lance Honing of NASS, the additional data will help to better assess the full impact. If the newly collected data justifies any changes, NASS will publish updated harvested acreage estimates in the September report.
The Iowa Department of Agriculture estimates the storm impacted approximately 14 million acres of crops. Iowa officials also say the storm damaged or destroyed 57 million bushels of licensed grain storage in the state. And, tens of millions of bushels of on-farm storage were also lost during the storm, which may create grain storage challenges as farmers prepare for harvest.
President Donald Trump visited Iowa Tuesday, telling local officials, "We are going to help you recover.”