Scattered rain and snow showers only allowed Iowa farmers 4.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending November 29, 2020, according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. The southeastern portion of the State received the most precipitation. Fieldwork activities included harvesting corn for grain, baling corn stalks, applying fertilizer and manure, and hauling grain to elevators.
Topsoil moisture condition rated 12% very short, 28% short, 58% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture condition rated 20% very short, 33% short, 46% adequate and 1% surplus. Only 1% of Iowa’s corn for grain crop remains to be harvested, over 2 weeks ahead of last year and just over 1 week ahead of the 5-year average. Most of the scattered fields left to harvest are in the southern one third of the State.
Cattle remain on corn stalk fields. Producers continue to haul water for cattle on corn stalks. Fluctuating temperatures have caused some stress for calves in hutches.