Water Resources bill has passed Congress

Iowa Senator Chuck Grassley praised the passage of the Water Resources Development Act, included in the year-end funding bill. The legislation, known as WRDA, addresses the civil works program of the Army Corps of Engineers. The bill is critical for flood control, navigation, ports, locks, dams, and other water resources infrastructure.

Grassley says the legislation "will help communities move forward with projects critical for flood control, navigation, ports, locks and dams and other water resources infrastructure."

Grassley and others advocated for several provisions that were incorporated in the final bill, including the Inland Waterway Trust Fund Cost Share Program. This cost-share modification will help the modernization of the locks and dams on the Upper Mississippi River to move forward at a faster rate as they start the construction phase of the Navigation and Ecosystem Sustainability Program.

The final bill also includes expanding work on a Lower Missouri River Basin Flood Risk Resiliency Plan.

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