An FFA owned and operated Grocery Store is opening in Iowa

It's called the Central Market, and Bob had a great day broadcasting live from the FFA student ran grocery store on the southside of Des Moines as they prepare for their grand opening. One of the goals is to be known for our high quality meat. All pork, lamb, and goat products are raised at the school farm and processed by Story City Locker. All beef products come from a family farm in Boone, IA. Let us take care of your summer grilling needs:

We are proud to shine the spotlight on the students in the Des Moines Agriscience program who will operate the store three days a week. We have items grown/created by students as well as local vendors, such as flowers from the greenhouse:

Des Moines FFA Advisor Kevin Anderson says the idea for a store came from a visit to a similiar facility near Chicago, and he wanted a way to show his mostly urban students every step in the food production process, all the way from planting seeds to products on shelves. Initially the hours will be every Thursday/Friday 3-6 and Saturday noon-3, greenhouse will be open Monday-Thursday 10-4 and Saturday 10-5. You can find more on their Facebook page here.

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