Corn planting continues at lightning speed

Much needed precipitation across much of Iowa was beneficial to crop progress during the week ending May 9, 2021 according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. Statewide there were 5.1 days suitable for fieldwork for the week due to precipitation. Other field activities such as spraying and applying anhydrous and dry fertilizer were slowed by sporadic rains. Topsoil moisture levels rated 10% very short, 27% short, 61% adequate and 2% surplus. Subsoil moisture levels rated 13% very short, 39% short, 46% adequate and 2% surplus.

Statewide, 86% of the expected corn crop has been planted, 10 days ahead of the 5-year average. North central and central Iowa farmers have less than 10% of their expected corn crop remaining to be planted. Corn emergence improved to 22% complete, an increase of 20 percentage points from the previous week.

Just over two-thirds of the expected soybean crop has been planted, 15 days ahead of the five-year average. Six percent of the expected soybean crop has emerged, 5 days ahead of normal.

Seeding of Iowa’s expected oat crop is nearly complete with 74% emerged, 4 days ahead of average. Iowa’s first oat crop condition rating of the season was 2% very poor, 4% poor, 36% fair, 51% good and 7% excellent. The first hay condition rating of the season was 4% very poor, 7% poor, 31% fair, 51% good and 7% excellent.

There were reports of some farmers starting their first cutting of alfalfa. Pasture condition rated 42% good to excellent. Rain during the week helped green up some pastures. Livestock were reported to be in good condition, especially in terms of calving

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