With quite a line-up, Governor Reynolds, Secretary Naig and Bill Northey coming to ride with us to begin our 24th year:
Governor Reynolds addressing the crowd on opening nice, as the ride headed to her alma mater, Interstate 35 High School for lunch:
Andy was the keeper of the all-important key to that 6000 Series John Deere Governor Reynolds is driving with her Dad Charlie, generously provided by Don and the gang at Van Wahl equipment:
Along the route, people were gathering to take in the Great Iowa Tractor Ride and some were even showing off their beautiful machines:
Bob and Anne Quinn rode in the Red Group on their John Deere 60:
Interstate 35 FFA has one of the crown jewel facilities in Iowa when it comes to their shop, and the Pork Loin/Ribeye Steak Sandwich didn't disappoint:
Then we hit the road back to the Warren County Fairgrounds by way of The Talk Shop for our afternoon pit: