Continued dry conditions allowed farmers 6.6 days suitable for fieldwork during the week ending June 13, 2021 according to the USDA, National Agricultural Statistics Service. In addition to planting, field activities included spraying post emergence herbicides, side dressing nitrogen, and harvesting hay.
Topsoil moisture levels rated 24% very short, 46% short, 30% adequate and 0% surplus. The percentage of topsoil moisture rated short to very short increased from 39% to 70% over the week ending June 13. Subsoil moisture levels rated 21% very short, 50% short, 29% adequate and 0% surplus. Subsoil moisture conditions in northwest, north central, west central, central and south central Iowa rated close to 80% short to very short.
Across the State, farmers saw signs of crop stress in fields due to lack of precipitation and high heat. Corn emergence is nearly complete except for some re-planted fields. Iowa’s corn condition rated 63% good to excellent, 14 percentage points below the previous week. Statewide, soybeans emerged reached 93%, 9 days ahead of the 5-year average. Soybean condition rated 61% good to excellent, 12 percentage points worse than last week. There were scattered reports of soybeans blooming.
Oats headed reached 56%, 3 days ahead of normal. Across Iowa, oats are starting to turn color. Iowa’s oat condition rated 57% good to excellent. The first cutting of alfalfa hay reach 87% complete, 6 days ahead of normal. Hay condition fell to 55% good to excellent. Pasture condition dropped to 41% good to excellent. High temperatures were stressful for livestock.