We welcome Professional Truck and Tractor Pulling BACK to the State Fair

For the first time in 4 years, Professional Truck and Tractor Pulling is taking place at the Iowa State Fair courtesy of The Big Show and our friends at Titan Tire, and they were lined up waiting for the gates to open:

The two-day being held in the new Elwell Family Park located next to the Grandstands. This new arena was designed with a special clay, sand, and soil mix to create the perfect pulling conditions. A 120 feet wide, 400 feet long, and 24 inches deep runway was cleared out and filled with the soil mix for these high horsepower machines:

Over 3,000 fans filled the stands of the new park to watch the return of Outlaw Truck and Tractor Pull presented by Titan Tire, maker of Goodyear Farm Tires. Day two kicks off today at noon in the Elwell Family Park:

It's also Farm Bureau Cookout Contest Day, as the Grand Concourse smells better than it does all year, and Governor Reynolds joined Farm Bureau President Craig Hill to announce the winner:

The celebrity judges for this year's cookout contest, U.S. Navy Sailors from the brand new USS Iowa Submarine:

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