A coalition of biofuel and agricultural groups announced opposition to the Environmental Protection Agency’s motion to remand but not vacate Small Refinery Exemptions granted by the Trump administration. The coalition includes groups like the Renewable Fuels Association, Growth Energy, National Corn Growers Association, National Biodiesel Board, American Coalition for Ethanol, and the National Farmers Union.
The EPA motioned to remand but not vacate the 31 exemptions that the coalition is currently challenging in D.C. Circuit Court. In statements to the court, the groups say that EPA’s issuance of the exemptions was arbitrary and capricious and exceeded the Agency’s authority under the Clean Air Act.
“While we’re encouraged that the EPA intends to reconsider the 31 SREs granted for the 2018 compliance year, we oppose the EPA’s motion to remand without a deadline and without addressing the SREs’ ongoing damage to the biofuel industry,” the groups say in a statement. “In addition to seeking a remand, the Biden EPA should ask they get vacated, or at the very least, the EPA should ask the court to set a deadline by which the reconsideration of these petitions must be completed.”