52 more trees are planted thanks to a large community group and the Springville High School FFA Chapter this past weekend:
It was the result of matching grants from Trees Forever and the Iowa DNR, then topped off with a small donation from the City, and mother nature providing a perfect fall for planting:
As City Clerk Dee Wagaman told us on The Big Show, it was great to see so many FFA kids helping plant as they will be the ones who get to truly enjoy the benefits these trees will provide to the next generation. She is pictured on the left below, along with the rest of Andy's interview subjects - FFA member Abby Holt, a young lady who didn't want to be identified, FFA member Ethan Hosek and his Dad Jason - who helped plan the tree planting and schedule our time together:
So great to see the community of Springville coming together to get these pillars of hope and cornerstones of community put back in the ground, and it was a pleasure to be able to share your story on The Big Show!