NASDA requests EPA suspend rulemaking process on WOTUS

As many farm and agriculture groups submitted comments on the EPA's proposed changes to the Waters of the U.S. rule, The National Association of State Departments of Agriculture asked the EPA to suspend the rule-making process. The comment period on the proposal by the Environmental Protection Agency closed Monday. In NASDA’s comments sent to EPA, CEO Ted McKinney urged the EPA and the Army Corps to suspend further action until guidance from the Supreme Court is provided.

McKinney stated, "Unfortunately, the proposed rule will return us to the ambiguity of past regulation as well as the federal overreach that ignored the role and expertise of state partners.”

NASDA calls the change “unacceptable,” and urges the EPA and the Corps to reconsider the clarity and the undeniably appropriate level of protection offered by the Navigable Waters Protection Rule. In addition to the submitted comments, NASDA members, farmers, ranchers and the agriculture industry have repeatedly advocated for clarity and reasonableness in the regulatory definition of WOTUS.

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